I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to submit a name for Romeo and Juliette’s newest family member first of all! So many of you sent in your suggestions and I certainly appreciate the great effort!

Some were very creative names as well! I was originally thinking along the lines of keeping the name Shakespearian. I threw out a few names myself and a good friend reminded me that one of them I had already used years ago………..Horatio.

So I rejected that and decided to stay out of the arena to be unbiased.

I’d like to list all of the great suggestions first of all………..

Geri Peterson “Toupee”

Pure Glory “Ace”

Audrey Driscoll “Julius,Hamlet or Merlin”

Emma Cownie “Tybalt”

Chris “Dawkins”

Beth “Benvolio”

Noelle “Orlando”

Terri Webster “Escalus”

Freiedenkin “Macchiavelli”

Jacquie Biggar “Jasper”

Babsje “Max”

Greg “Falstaff”

Linda Schaub “Bandit”

Hedy “Swooper”

Michael “Frank Walter”

Cathy “Mercutio or Tybalt”

So we have 19 names to choose from. I narrowed it down to three names,Ace,Max and Bandit.

I liked Max but remembered I’ve named a few bears Max and want this name to be a new one. I liked Bandit because that’s exactly the way he was behaving,but I wouldn’t want him to regret his youthful indulgence when he’s older. So I think “ACE” is the winner in my books. I like the simplicity of a single syllable and I have never used that name before……………I think?

So, because you all chose such great names, I have decided to send you all a picture of Ace and thank you for participating in the very first Name Game!

I envision the next Name Game being for a Bear cub!

Thank you to everyone who sent in a name!

51 thoughts on “NAME GAME

  1. WELCOME TO THE WORLD, ACE!!  That’s a great name. What a fun challenge!! Watching the comments roll in initially, I felt pretty uneducated in things Shakespearean.  Wayne you have a very articulate group of blog followers! If I’m not mistaken, The Daredevil and the lovely Delilah *might* also have been in a family way this spring?  (Wasn’t there mention some months ago about The Daredevil ferrying sticks back to the nest?)  So, with a little luck it might be a bit premature to toss out the rest of those baby Eagle names!  And if you do hang on to those names, Wayne, I had submitted two originally including this:
    “Wolf – short for Wolfgang.- and another one-syllable easy-to-spell name. There’s something ironic about giving an apex predator the name of another apex predator?”
    Welcome to the world Ace!

      1. Thanks Wayne. Ace is a great name, befitting a creature that flies – like Ace F-16 pilots. Names can be so fraught. Thank goodness I didn’t have to choose from 19 proposals when naming my daughter 31 years ago! Ace is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing more of Ace! Best, Babsje

      2. I will be looking forward to seeing him again but he won’t be hanging around much longer. He may already be gone? They hang around for just a few weeks after fledging and then vamoose!

      3. Well then that makes your experience of meeting Ace and his gorgeous portrait especially moving. I have been told that around here, the youngsters stay near the parents pretty long, but I have been wrong before. That is a truly wonderful photo or him soaring.

      4. Well…….the parents will all be taking off in a month for the salmon streams. So they can’t hang around for very long. Mom and dad go on a well deserved vacation!

      5. At the Salmon streams they must compete with the Bears! That could get exciting to see if an Eagle has designs on a fish being snared by a Bear?

  2. Wayne, thank you for choosing the name, “Ace,” that I suggested. So glad that is his name and honored you chose it. May Ace have many adventures!!! 😃

  3. “Ace” is a great name to have as your moniker going forward Wayne, especially when you look this good. I had to smile at your reasoning why “Bandit” may not work: “I wouldn’t want him to regret his youthful indulgence when he’s older.” :)

      1. Glad you liked it Wayne, but it makes sense … he tarnished his reputation before he was even a Juvenile (bird, not delinquent). :) So many names – now you need a few more Eaglets to come along and have another “Name Game”.

  4. I saw the name Ace quickly when I started reading the names, I picked that one in my mind and as I kept reading I am glad you chose Ace. Perfect name, he is a beauty. :)

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